Monday 2 June 2008

Costa Del Bar M ...cont

On our return to the farmhouse, we enjoyed the bright sunshine, catching up with friends and sharing the space at Barmaddy. Bogle cooked a venison broth which went down a well... and all hail Denise & her fantastic baking. The school kids aren't allowed it anymore but we loved her caramel slice.
The evening was spent in lively conversation followed by a game of hum bug as we all crammed into the living room in front of the fire to escape the voracious midge.
Sunday morning brought us more clear skies and ample opportunity to finish off a few jobs; check on the oaks in the field, plant up a few saplings remaining from Colin's Eagle night for the tree nursery in the old dairy (see picture... with all our saplings some not so wee anymore!) and plant up some strawberry plants we brought at the Kilmartin Community Day. Come the afternoon, we were ready for a dip in Loch Awe and spent a few happy hours splashing around before piling in to various vehicles for our return to the big smoke.
There was a wide spread enthusiasm to do it all again sometime soon... maybe on a bank holiday as for some folk the journey was too long to justify a 1 night stay. The whole experience was very GalGael... bit of honest graft, some good company, fresh air and a chance to enjoy our fantastic scenery...


Mairi Nicpharlain said...

HURRAH!! It's magnificent to see life on the blog. AND Bar-M into the bargain. Beautiful. I was so distressed not to have been able to make it, but this is the next best thing. I love seeing it with all the people there - youngsters and 'recycled' youngsters, ahem... The Farm Hoose looks dazzling, surrounded by "Nature's Green Mantle..." and I'm sure the Scottish birds "warbled welcomes in ilka green shaw..." (Rabbie Burns ) I've heard the wee sleepy cuckoos (HOO - hoo... Hoo - hoo...) and the bletherin' wood pigeons (hoo - HOOO - hoo... hoo - HOOO - hooo...) did anybody else? Cheerio the Noo x

Mairi Nicpharlain said...

I need to master this thing eventually. It says not to leave it blank - that's lethal around the likesay me..... Must go - Internet Cafe is doing my nut in with people taking loud business calls and talking about Assets and Profits in the Supermarket Industry ... YEEEEUGGHHHHHH!!! That's me gone. No, really... Just let me fi